Monday, 8 August 2011

Supervisory Meeting - 05/08/2011 @ KRO Bar

Present - Simon Faulkner

This meeting was used to discuss further developments with the RD1 Proposal including:

  • Linking the ECH Archive to my own practice

  • Working 'hands on' within the ECH Archive

  • The making of imagery in response to the ECH Archive

The following references were made:

Alan Sekula - Photography Against The Grain

Shimon Attie - Writing on the Wall - Berlin Early 1990's

James E. Young - At Memory's Edge

Susan Meiselas - Nicaragua

Annual Review - 03/08/2011 @ MIRIAD

Present - Prof. Jim Aulich

  • The meeting firstly discussed the scrutineer's report made by Dr. Steven Gartside, detailing the RD1 proposal, submitted to the recent Faculty Research Degrees Committee.

  • It has been recommended that the RD1 be resubmitted for Chair's Action during August 2011, with amendments made specifically to the 'Methodologies' section.

  • Comments made were as follows: The 'Methodologies' section does not appear to contain any methodologies as such. The aims discuss writing 'in support of theoretical frameworks' - the methodologies section would have been the place to discuss exactly what these are. As it stands it feels there is something of a supportive lack, one that could be significantly problematic for the structure of the written component.

  • It was agreed that a meeting be established with my Director of Studies [Dr Simon Faulkner] in order to discuss this section at length and then re-submit for Chair's Action.

  • This Meeting has now been arranged for Friday 05/08/2011

  • Annual Review recommendations from Prof. Aulich are as follows:

"Identify & engage the literature in order to articulate the appropriate conceptual framework. Meet with Simon ASAP. Needs to make sure that as far as possible the team meets as a team. Continue to make good progress."

Jim Loftus @ The Bridewell Studios - 05/04/2011