Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Supervisory Meeting - 30/01/2013 @ MMU

Present at the meeting - Simon Faulkner / Gavin Parry

The meeting predominently discussed the RD2 transfer stage from MPhil to PhD:
  • This transfer will need to be completed by Sept 2013.
  • 6,000 word report will need to be written on the project, detailing research already undertaken, research to be undertaken at PhD level and a description of contribution to current or exisitng knowledge.
Also discussed was the approach to the Hardman archive, considering:
  • Continuation of data entry from the Hardman Studio Registers.
  • Full digitisation of all Studio Register data will provide the basis for identifying some key case studies that will form the practical / curated output of the project.
  • Access to the Hardman archive will only become available during late April / early May 2013, therefore further work on this will have to wait until then.
  • Work will progress on a more theoretical text, based upon current readings - This will also form part of the RD2 accompanying material [Additional Chapter]
  • Work will commence on the RD2 transfer report after May 2013, moving through summer to Sept 2013.
Next scheduled meeting has been agreed for Wednesday 13/03/2013 .

Mapped Out Options

In response to last Supervisory Meeting held on 19/12/2012:

  • The database makes the archive more transparent and the data is therefore more flexible for interogation.
  • The database should allow unique patterns to emerge.
  • Access to the Hardman archive has been restricted now until May 2013 as a result of the Liverpool Central Library refurbishment and re-opening.
Mapped Options:
  • Linking of Hardman's topographical / landscape work to his portraiture by date. IE: Who was being shot and when ?
  • Further filtering and interogation of Datasets and what this reveals.
  • Accessing Daybooks / Diaries / Notebooks in May 2013 will open up more areas of research.
  • Identification of recurring portraits of same person over extended time frame.
  • Contact local press to help with tracking down any Hardman portraits held locally. 

Supervisory Meeting - 19/12/2012 @ MMU

Present at Meeting - Simon Faulkner / Gavin Parry

The meeting discussed further developments in the research conducted including:

  • The development of a database which catalogues the Hardman negative archive from data collected from the Studio Registers - thus making the archive more transparent in certain ways.
  • Questions surrounding how this makes the archive more understandable remain unanswered.
  • The database was discussed as being part of the methodology of research and as a potential way of identifying patterns and possible narratives.
  • The idea of finding narratives was discussed as a way of releasing the 'power' of the archive as a historical repository.
  • Hardman's increased photographic activity during WWII was discussed and the possibilities of developing narratives around the subject of 'In Memorium'.
  • Fictionalised narratives were also discussed as a way of using archival material as a starting point.
Action points arrising from the meeting:

  • Continue to catalogue the archive when it becomes available again in  Spring 2013.
  • Think about how this cataloguing might be prt of the methodology for the project and what it might allow to happen.
  • How might allow the use of the archive for the development of own archival or photographic response ?
  • The form of this response remains unspecified, so this will also require further thought.
  • There might be a need for a set of options to be mapped out for the next meeting.
  • Secondary materials should also continue  to be read, for the development of the literature review.
  • The next meeting should discuss the RD2 process and the writing up of some materials as part of this transfer process.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Gordon Green - Composer

From the Edward Chambre Hardman - Biscuit Tin Collection:

 Negatives 18001 to 18500

 Studio Register Entry for Composer, Gordon Green - Neg 18,238 [1930]

Cellulose Nitrate Negative 18,238 - Composer, Gordon Green 1930 [Glassine Envelope]

Composer, Gordon Green - 1930