Friday, 19 July 2013

Margot Fonteyn -1939

The top image was found yesterday in Biscuit Tin 38,401-38,800 and was shot in 1939 by Hardman (Negative Number 38,763)  The bottom image shows the area in the conservation room where I conduct my research.  Cellulose Nitrate negative material decomposes via an acidic hydrolysis pathway over time and releases a range of oxides of Nitrogen, including Nitrous Oxide, hence the ventilated area .... and perhaps also the reason why I tend to leave the Archive feeling quite giddy at times !

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Supervisory Meeting - 03/07/2013 @ MMU

Present at meeting:  David Brittain / Gavin Parry

The meeting discussed progression of the work to date and potential future direction.  The following points were agreed to be addressed for the next meeting:

  • Must now embark upon practice.
  • Consideration of the Excel spreadsheet as a 'generator' with which to produce outputs.
  • Map out full structure of RD2.
  • Look at production of small books detailing case studies of archival materials.
Next meeting T.B.A.

The Hardman Archive - Rehoused - 01/07/2013

Some images from the Hardman Collection in the newly refurbished Liverpool Central Library:
The Biscuit Tins - Negative Material

Printed Works

Additional Personal & Business Ephemera

M.A. Photography Students @ MMU - 20/06/2013

Attached are the slides in relation to a lecture given to the above, focusing on the use of Archival Resources.