Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Hardman's Animals - Case Study

Please review the first case study publication called Hardman's Animals - by Keith W Roberts

Supervisory Meeting - 05/09/2013 @ MMU

Present at meeting:  Simon Faulkner

The meeting was scheduled to discuss the 6000 word RD2 (PhD) transfer report.  Written feedback was offered by Simon in relation to the submission of the first draft.  The key points raised were:

  • Re-Consider the title of the research defining what is actually meant by 'typology' in this instance.
  • Indentify the Chambre-Hardman archive within the research title.
  • Attempt to clarify the practice in terms of either photographic / archivist etc
  • Establish new Aims & Objectives at the beginning of Section 02.
  • Move the database details to an appendices at the end of the report.
Next meeting is scheduled for 18/09/2013